Dickenhardtstr. 67, 78054 Villingen-Schwenningen +49 (0) 7720-9770-0 info@romess.de

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neigungsThe CM-09606 inclinometer is an extremely successful ROMESS product deployed in sophisticated automotive shops, and to their considerable benefit. This is because chassis adjustment can often present unexpected problems and high time costs for the workshop specialists. And time is money.   This is especially true in the automotive workshop. If you want to save significantly in both, put your money on Romess equipment and devices, as these permit many tasks related to chassis measurement to be completed quickly and efficiently - and in precise fashion, at that.
With the CM-09606 inclinometer, the vehicle level can be measured above the position of the control arms and/or the drive shafts or, in general, contact surfaces in angular degrees. The ROMESS engineers have made it even better now. Outwardly, it's a mere trifle, scarcely noticeable - the sensor holder has been redesigned so that it can be attached more easily, and at the same time, more firmly. The main advantage, though, is in the software sector: A new generation of programs is accelerating measured value acquisition quite significantly.

auffangenPractically every fourth vehicle on the streets in the Federal Republic of Germany is defective. Brakes and electronics are often in critical condition. This is evident on the basis of the most recent GTÜ reliability report. But this is no surprise given that the survey yields almost identical results year after year.
According to the GTÜ's calculations, of the 43.9 million passengers car licensed in Germany, 8.6 million are driving along the streets with unreliable brakes, while 13 million have lighting, electrical as well as electronic defects.
This means that every fifth passenger car is driving around with defects in the braking system. According to data provided by the Federal Office for Statistics, the braking system is defective in one-sixth of cars involved in an accident. As a rule, the following applies: The older the vehicle, the more frequently technical problems arise, including with the brakes. This is also confirmed by the TÜV, where every fourth car fails.
“It is precisely during the slippery months that tires and brakes on the car must be in proper order, since a good ten percent of accidents causing injuries or death occur on account of technical defects in the vehicle,” says ROMESS head Werner Rogg.

rom3 15Here, you will find the most recent issue of our company magazine ROMESSAGE. Here, we don't just report on new developments and equipment from the ROMESS think tank. Rather, we provide a descriptive explanation as to why the ROMESS principle has proved itself so superior in the field of brake maintenance. Download the booklet to your computer for free as a PDF issue and see for yourself. Perhaps it can serve as a decision-making tool, if you're currently thinking about acquiring a new device. The following are important to our company: We don't want to create clumsy advertising for our products here. We want to convince you from the point of view of technology.

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busprofisThe Seitter company’s buses in Friolzheim near Stuttgart travel millions of kilometers. Master mechanic Hans Lauser and his team always have to work flexibly and precisely. They cannot make any compromises where safety is concerned, and therefore swear by the ROMESS brand. An S 15 has continually rendered Lauser good and reliable service for over 25 years; now he is ordering the newest model directly from the manufacturer. In particular, buses with very long brake hoses require a device that builds up sufficient flow pressure. For Lauser, ROMESS is the only option.

sensorauflageROMESS is also a leading name in the field of chassis measurement, where it continually introduces innovative equipment. Here, the adapter for measured value acquisition for the Mercedes Citan has just been released (order number 09606-66). It can be positioned on the control arm, at the front, to the right and the left, in entirely straightforward fashion.

ROMESS-Rogg Apparate + Electronic GmbH + Co. KG
Dickenhardtstr. 67
78054 Villingen-Schwenningen

Telephone: +49 (0) 7720-9770-0
Fax: +49 (0)7720-9770-25
Email: info@romess.de